“The Effect of the Internet and downloading on the music industry” – Research Project Oct 22

This month’s Research Project
This month we will be talking about:
“The Effect of the Internet and downloading on the music industry”

Is it a good or bad thing?
What difference has it made?
How do you feel about the changes over the years?
Enjoy! Please comment and join in 🙂

In this exercise a topic is given, including a number of suggested questions about that topic.

Students are invited to share their opinions in the student comments section below, as well as what they have found on websites, in books and magazines etc. IN THEIR OWN WORDS.

The teacher and other students can discuss, offer suggestions, correct or re-write any part of your text. And you can do the same. Simply add to the comments section.

Over time, with the contributions of students and the teacher, and when the questions have been explored more and more, the subject will be more clear and have more depth.

The Effect of the Internet and downloading on the music industry

 Created using images from:  Pixabay.com - Sammy-Sander.

Research topic: How has the music industry been affected by the internet and digital downloading?
Gone are the days when everybody who played music played LPs. Gone are the days when CDs or audio cassettes were the most popular medium for playing music. Now we stream digital music to our phones and other digital devices.

Has it affected the ambience?

Has it affected quality?

What about the experience of buying music?

Has it changed revenue? The promotion of music?

Is it better for artists breaking into the industry?

What about pirating? Has that changed?

Maybe there are some other questions you think are worth investigating(?)

(Click on the button below to add your work.)

When students have submitted work, the teacher will choose examples to show here along with corrections and suggestions.

"Open for business! We are 'live'..."

 Created using images from:  Pexels.com - ColiN00B.

At the moment, this lesson is 'live'. It is open for students to post work, comments and corrections.
In the coming days and weeks, the teacher will add corrections and suggestions based on a variety of student work taken from the comments sections.
(Click on "Research material so far..." above for corrected examples and suggestions, and see the comment section below for all student additions.)

In due time, the lesson will be "closed" and no more comments will be possible.

So please contribute and keep coming back to see updates!

Now, let's get researching!
Click on the button below to add your research.
You can see all student contributions in the comment section.

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