"Just like a Native"
Learn Advanced English.com is for people who already understand some English. However, you're going to use a dictionary and a thesaurus a lot on your journey with us.
They are your best friends!!
If you need to use a dictionary to understand some of this website, that's Ok.
There are a lot of books, websites and school courses that teach you English from the very beginning.
They will help you get a good understanding.
But what if you want to become 'advanced' and speak like a native?
A personal tutor, especially someone that is a qualified native English speaker, will give you a "tailor-made" learning experience.
They will make the learning process fit your current ability and needs, and work with you till you can express yourself the way you want to.
Having a good personal tutor of any kind is usually not cheap, but worth the money if you want to truly progress.
During your time with them each week, you can ask them all the questions you need to.

When learning a language, it is strongly advised to join a group of people for conversation and practise.
Conversation groups are good because you can practise some of the things you are learning.
Also, when you interact with others, you learn and think of new questions too.
Of course, to speak like a native you will likely need the help of English natives to make sure what you're saying is correct.
Every choice has advantages and disadvantages.
Tutors are paid per hour.
Some students usually only spend 1-2 hours per week with their personal tutor, and usually at the same time each week.
Conversation groups are usually 1-2 hours a week as well.
As with all things,
the more time you spend doing proper practice,
the better you will be.

How good your English ability is depends on a few things, including:
- How good your study habits are
- How hard you work
- How much time you commit to training
... and the help that you get!

Learn Advanced English.com is a "collaborative environment".
All the students and the teacher work together.
The following example explains this process:

In this example, all the students produce
1 hour of work each.
This means 12 hours work in total.
Each student will naturally produce work that is similar to the work of others.
However, each student will also produce some unique questions and work that the others haven't.

When the unique work of
all 12 students is added together,
the result in this example
is 3 hours worth of
original content and questions.
The teacher adds their efforts
(3 hours per lesson - on average).
The total result to each student is
over 6 hours of benefit.
Remember: in this example, the result is 6 hours benefit when
each student only worked 1 hour.

All lessons start in a simple way - set by the teacher.
Then, they are built by the students and teacher together.
Students continue to produce work and ask questions;
the teacher offers alternatives but also chooses the "best examples" and makes corrections and offer alternatives for these too.
The depth and quality of the lesson gradually builds.
This continues until the lesson is closed by the teacher.

Please note, this is just an example to demonstrate the principle and effectiveness
of the “collaborative environment” at Learn Advanced English.com.
There might be more or fewer than 12 students working on a lesson.
Some students will contribute more than an hour of work, some will contribute less.
Everyday is different.
The principle is: We build the best possible lesson together.
The LAE Learning System: Deeper learning together
Learn Advanced English.com is all about being able to express yourself freely in English.
Creativity is about exploring language: how it makes you feel, the images it makes you think of, and perhaps whether it makes you appreciate something more.
Ultimately, every lesson will teach you how to be creative as you express yourself in different ways.
However, two lessons in particular are specifically engineered to increase your creative ability in English: The "Creative Clinic" and "Enrich your writing".
You will learn to be more expressive and descriptive. To use figurative language (like idioms) to 'paint pictures' with language - to even be poetic.
You will change the feeling and the style of text. For example, to re-write a text to give a feeling of happiness, or sadness, or loneliness, or fear, or relief, or triumph...
To get involved in lessons and get the most from them it is important to prepare well.
You will do research in every lesson with a dictionary and thesaurus!
However, at Learn Advanced English, we will be discussing all sorts of things: current news, historical stories, creative works, a variety of subjects and opinions...
Three lessons in particular will require you to research certain topics so that you can give an informed opinion: "Research Project", "Debate & Reason" and "Eclectic Remarks".
We appreciate student contributions. The more involved you get, the faster you will grow and you will help others too!
By working together, a clearer picture will emerge. This will promote further discussion along the way.
Everyone in the class benefits from those who research thoroughly.
Your general knowledge will increase...
...and you'll be able to express it beautifully in English!!

Unsplash.com - Tobias Fischer.
Unsplash.com - Tobias Fischer.

When we are discussing subjects, presenting or negotiating, we need to be very clear and understand exactly what is happening.
Three lessons are tailor-made for presenting your thoughts and feelings about many different topics: "Research Project", "Debate & Reason" and "Eclectic Ramblings".
It is also good to practise presenting different and opposing opinions to understand the subject better.
Not only will you improve your opinions and appreciate the opinions of others, but you will learn to present them clearly and thoroughly...
...and you'll do it in English!
The heart of Learn Advanced English: Reconstructing language.
This is largely what I mean by "offering alternative suggestions".
It is a part of every lesson, but even more especially in "Restructure", "Creative Clinic" and "Enrich your Writing".
This is truly powerful. From corrections and alternative suggestions for sentences, paragraphs and phrases, your English learning will accelerate.
Everyone in the class will benefit from any submitted pieces of work, corrections or alternative suggestions.
You will learn to express yourself with greater creativity, clarity and beauty!!

Let's see how this works in practice.
Here is a real example adapted from a local news article:
"An idea by an English native, hailing from Lancashire, has garnered worldwide attention and is now, six years later, the basis for a fledgling start-up."
We can re-write it in many ways, including:
"An idea by an English native, who lives in Lancashire, has obtained global recognition and now, six years on, has been nurtured into a brand new company."
"An English native, residing in Lancashire, has achieved worldwide consideration for their concept that, after six years, is the foundation of their neophyte company."
"A Lancashire resident, and native speaker, amassed global awareness of their idea.
Six years on, this idea has grown into their fresh new business."
These types of restructuring would be found in the "Restructure" and "Creative Clinic" lessons.
Or, you could try a more creative interpretation:
"Six years ago, a seed was planted and started germinating in an entrepreneurial, Lancastrian brain. Now, having attracted interest from all four corners of the globe, the fruit borne of this plant is a brand new business - ready to take on the world!"
This type of restructuring can be found in the "Enrich your Writing" and "Creative Clinic" lessons.
It seems so simple, doesn't it?
But I promise you that your English will develop a tremendous amount!
True freedom of expression!
Natives are able to use subtle nuance, figurative speech and varied description in their language to give different effects and produce different emotions. You will learn to do that in English. (We spoke of nuance in "Why Should I Learn Advanced English?")
You'll be able to see more examples in our free lessons
(Details are further below.)

Unsplash.com - Jason Dent; Josue Isai Ramos Figueroa.
Unsplash.com - Jason Dent; Josue Isai Ramos Figueroa.
You're going to learn so much in research, discussions and restructuring your English, there will be quite a lot to remember.
You can review and re-read lesson material for months later, including the best examples of other students work. This will 'reinforce' your learning.
However, certain lessons will have comprehension quizzes along the way as well, to test your understanding and strengthen your memory.
"Regional" applies to the whole LAE System. It simply means that all lessons are set and governed by a qualified native English speaker - like me!
New lessons are posted every month. Students with a Bronze membership have access to two lessons, Silver four, and Gold all six.
Gold members have access to: "The Eclectic Remarks of an Englishman"
This is another chance to comment and interact on the topics of the day, as well as varied other subjects.

Not to boast or "blow my own trumpet", but you'll learn so many phrases and idioms having a native speaker help you.
Tone is very important too. We experience a great range of emotions as human beings, and have many different relationships - family, leadership, different clients, educational, religious, therapeutic, technical...
And everybody has a different personality too.
There are subtle differences in all these relationships, and that is reflected in our communication and language.
And it all comes so naturally to a native speaker.
This is why a native teacher at Learn Advanced English.com is your key to freedom of expression.

At Learn Advanced English.com everybody contributes something and all the best answers are added together.
Every lesson offers a minimum of 3 hours of value from the teacher (whether creating the lessons, or responding to students with comments, corrections and re-written texts).
This value increases further as students contribute their efforts too.
When students are contributing, everybody benefits!
Below is a brief explanation of the Learn Advanced English lessons.
To truly understand the value of each lesson, get a Month's Trial Membership (at a reduced price) or some 'Free Lessons'.
Three lessons involve research and are about expressing facts and opinions.
The other three lessons are about expressing yourself creatively and in a variety of ways.
Lessons will grow and develop as students and teacher work together on the material with corrections, comments and alternative expressions.
You will do a lot of work with a dictionary and thesaurus!
After a few weeks, the lesson will be closed and the teacher will make final comments.
Debate & Reason
Express your opinions and learn how to empathise and understand others in English. Your critical thinking skills will also increase.
Every month, a topic will be selected. It might be from the news, an article, a website, etc.
There will be comprehension questions and at the end students will be able to share their opinions and interact with one another.
It is also good to try and write opinions that may not be your own.
Research Project
Learn to build coherent thoughts and explain different subject matter in English.
Each month, a question or subject will be posted for students to research answers and information. For example: "What effect has downloading had on the music industry?"
There will be some suggestions on what to investigate.
As students submit their research, together they will build a clear portrayal of the subject.
Eclectic Remarks
In this exercise, the teacher posts stories about things that are going on in the world, or excerpts from articles and books.
At the end of each story there is a short comprehension test.
Students can submit their opinions to a forum.
This is the classic Learn Advanced English exercise. Learning to express thoughts in numerous ways.
Every month, excerpts will be taken from a book, or article, or website, etc.
The teacher and students will re-write the excerpts using different words and phrases, yet try to keep to the original meaning as much as possible.
Enrich your Writing
This exercise is similar to “Restructure” but with an important difference.
Every month, excerpts will be taken from a book, or article, or website, etc. The teacher and students will re-write the excerpts using different words and phrases in order to change the feeling and style of the text.
For example, to reflect sadness, or hope, or success, or loss, etc. Perhaps to make it more figurative or poetic. The very basic meaning will be the same, however.
Creative Clinic
You will really get to "flex your creative muscles" in the "Creative Clinic".
3 Paragraphs will be selected from a different source each month: a book, or an article, or a website, etc.
The teacher will re-write each one in 5 different ways...
...and you can do the same!
You will re-write with: different vocabulary, extra adverbs, extra adjectives, making the text a little absurd, making the text very descriptive or poetic with figurative language.
"My attention was trapped, I could not escape. My thoughts sailed away on angels wings as I contemplated the beauty of the common tongue of man... crafting art in English."
Trapped and free at the same time; angels and common at the same time; speaking, yet 'crafting art'.
Having fun experimenting with words will help you so much!
We will enjoy together: how words make you feel and what they make you think.
With Learn Advanced English.com...
...your learning accelerates!!

Benefits and cost
The Value of Learn Advanced English.com
In the UK, the average cost for a
University level (advanced English) personal tutor
is £31 per hour*.
They are a wonderful help.
(* An average taken on April 2020 from: tutorful.co.uk; tutorhunt.com; and prospects.ac.uk)
Personal Tutor

Learn Advanced English.com

Learn Advanced English.com gives you something a personal tutor cannot, because it works in a different way.
With Learn Advanced English.com:
- You get more material to work with
- You are given far more examples of how to express yourself
- You can work on the lessons at any time
- You can work as much as you want
We can visualise this another way
Consider the following example:

This fisherman has:
1) Some opportunities
2) Some time
3) Some help
He will make a good catch.
This fisherman has:
1) More opportunities
2) More variety in those opportunities
3) More time
4) Extra help
He will make a bigger and better catch.

1 hour per week with a personal tutor will give you much.
However, each week with Learn Advanced English.com will give you more opportunities, more time and extra help.
We currently offer 3 different monthly memberships: Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Gold offers the most, but even Bronze offers a "much bigger catch".
Let's do a comparison: a personal tutor vs. Learn Advanced English.com
The following information will show the differences and similarities.
(This is based on 1 hour per week with a tutor)
Learn Advanced English.com
Personal Tutors
All month - Work whenever you want.
Fixed time each week.
2 lessons per month with 6+ hours value (Bronze)
4 lessons per month with 12+ hours value (Silver)
6 lessons per month with 18+ hours value (Gold)
4 lessons per month with 4 hours value
(1 per week)
All students contribute and exchange ideas, including the Native English teacher.
You exchange ideas with your tutor.
Material thoroughly explored, each lesson giving 3 hours benefit minimum.
All the "best responses" are reviewed.
Most questions you personally ask are answered.
Numerous questions taken from students.
All the questions you can ask in 1 hour.
Corrections and suggestions from Native English teacher as the lessons develop.
Discussion with tutor.
Numerous responses throughout the month
- but not instantly.
Instant responses.
Students complete lessons and then they can submit their work to a forum if they want.
Communicate with tutor face-to-face.
You will learn to speak and write articulate, eloquent and meaningful English.
Your language will be intelligent and well-spoken.
A personal tutor will also be able to help you do this, but not as quickly.
Learn Advanced English.com does not currently offer help with very technical language and vocabulary such as medicine or engineering.
Some personal tutors can help with highly specialised language, such as engineering or medicine.
They are likely to be people who have worked in that particular field.
Review old material whenever you want.
Students have access to their old lessons, including all the suggestions, corrections, videos and quizzes.
Make your own notes and review them whenever you want.
Speak to your tutor again for reminders.
A lot of writing.
Your English will improve the most in variety, depth and precision.
Your thoughts and meaning will become more clear.
It is likely you will do mainly speaking.
Your English will improve the most in speed and fluency.
Your pronunciation and words will become more clear.
As you can see, there are differences.
You will learn so much with Learn Advanced English.com, there is no doubt in my mind about that.
I invite you to test it for yourself and see how much you develop!!
But I also feel that Learn Advanced English.com is different enough that
you could keep your personal tutor as well, if you really wanted.
Learn Advanced English.com can be a replacement for a personal tutor or class.
Or it can be a welcome and complimentary addition to your current learning.
It really is up to you! Try it and you will know for yourself.
How much?
Learn Advanced English.com is an excellent resource that will accelerate your learning.
Remember, the average price for a tutor at this level in the UK is £31 per hour;
each lesson at Learn Advanced English brings more value than 1 hour.
Learn Advanced English.com has 3 price options:
Bronze, Silver and Gold
Type of Membership

Our Bronze price is for 2 lessons per month.
It is an ongoing monthly subscription of £30.

Our Silver price is for 4 lessons per month.
It is an ongoing monthly subscription of £35.

Our Gold price is for 6 lessons per month.
It is an ongoing monthly subscription of £40.
How does this compare to personal tutors?
Let's do a few calculations...
How much would each membership cost if:
Each lesson gave 3 hours of value (minimum)?
Every hour of value cost £31?*
*(The same as 1 hour with an average advanced UK tutor)
UK Tutor price
Bronze would cost £186+ per month* and £42.92+ per week*
2 monthly lessons equates to:
At least 6 hours of value per month from the teacher.
Silver would be £372+ per month* and £85.85+ per week*
4 monthly lessons equates to:
At least 12 hours of value per month from the teacher.
Gold would be £558+ per month* and £128.77+ per week*
6 monthly lessons equates to:
At least 18 hours of value per month from the teacher.
*Participation from students will also add great value.
LAE price
But... Bronze is £30 per month
This works out as £15 per lesson or £6.92 per week
or £5 per hour (of value)*
But... Silver is £35 per month
This works out as £8.75 per lesson and £8.08 per week
or £2.92 per hour (of value)*
But... Gold is £40 per month
This works out as £6.67 per lesson or £9.23 per week
or £2.22 per hour (of value)*
*Participation from students will also add great value.
Learn Advanced English offers fantastic value.
Every single membership option is a fraction of the price of an average UK Personal tutor,
and gives you far more learning experiences too!!
Obviously, I want you to feel confident and happy in paying for Learn Advanced English.com lessons every week.

Here are three things that should give you confidence:
1) Some free lessons to help you see how things work.
2) A month's trial membership at a reduced price.
3) All memberships renew monthly.

Some free lessons to look at
You will be able to understand Learn Advanced English.com a little better.
These are "closed" and completed lessons. This means students have already submitted questions and work, and the teacher has already corrected work and submitted more of their own. No more will be added.
Teachers "close" lessons when they meet the Learn Advanced English standard of value and quality (see below).
Trial membership
Choose any membership. The first month is half price for new customers.
At the end of that month you will be charged for the full membership amount. Your membership will then automatically renew every month.
If you want to take a break, or you want to cancel for any reason, simply visit your account page to cancel your subscription. Your membership will end at the next renewal date.


2 Expectations of Quality and Time Value
The lessons are created and moderated by a true native English speaker who is at "C2 standard" according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
This is a recognised evaluation of language ability, with “C2” being the highest and most proficient standard. It is recognised that well-educated native English speakers also operate at this level, making LearnAdvancedEnglish.com teachers very capable.
In each subscription, you can expect the following:
2 lessons and 6 hours of value - Bronze
4 lessons and 12 hours of value - Silver
6 lessons and 18 hours of value - Gold
(Taking Bronze as an example, the teacher will do research and create lessons, as well as offering corrections and alternative suggestions,
for a minimum of 6 hours per calendar month.)
The teacher will give 3 hours of value per lesson (on average). It might be a little more or less, but in total we promise to provide at least the minimum "hours of value" for each calendar month.
For example: For any lessons posted in April, time is given for students to respond and the teacher to give responses. The promised "minimum hours of value" will be posted before the end of May. These hours of value are posted over time to give adequate space for the teacher and students to respond to one another.
You can normally expect students to provide and give alternatives too.
As this happens, the more the teacher can work on, the greater the depth and quality of the lessons, and therefore the higher their value will be too.
Each lesson provides content for students to practice and study.
This contributes to "hours of value" also.
*Please note: It is up to the discretion of the teacher how long a lesson is left open for students to continue working on the material.
**Please note also, that the teacher cannot control the choices and activity of the students.
I hope this page has answered most of your questions.
If you have any more questions, you can go to our FAQ page.
(Frequently Asked Questions)
Learn Advanced English: Express yourself freely!!

This is the end of the page "How it works".
I want to help you express yourself with the same freedom and creativity as a native English speaker.
Are you ready for that journey with me now?
Not quite ready? Find out more about Learn Advanced English.com with the following pages.
**Click on a tab below to open it**
On this page you will learn how
Learning Advanced English will benefit you:
- In your work;
- In your education;
- In how you help in the world;
... and more.
On this page you will learn how
Learning Advanced English will benefit you:

- In your work;
- In your education;
- In how you help in the world;
... and more.

Find out a little about the owner of
Learn Advanced English.com
and why he started it.
Frequently Asked Questions

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you can ask the question yourself
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Learn Advanced English.com
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If you feel Learn Advanced English.com can help you,
or would like to see if it can,
then I look forward to working with you very soon!
Best wishes to you and your language learning!
If you feel Learn Advanced English.com can help you,
or would like to see if it can,
then I look forward to working with you very soon!
Best wishes to you and your language learning!
If you feel Learn Advanced English.com can help you,
or would like to see if it can,
then I look forward to working with you very soon!
Best wishes to you and your language learning!